Monday, March 14, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 03-14-11

REPORT: Fox Gave Far More Airtime To Supporters Of King's Anti-Muslim Hearings Than To Opponents
According to a Media Matters analysis, in the days leading up to Rep. Peter King's (R-NY) controversial hearings on Muslim radicalization, Fox News gave far more airtime to supporters of the hearings than to opponents. Fox gave more than 1 hour and 35 minutes worth of airtime to supporters, while giving roughly 30 minutes to opponents and hosted at least 28 guests who supported the hearings versus just eight who opposed them. Read More

Fox Concerned About Threats ... When They're Aimed At Republicans
Fox News extensively covered reported threats against Wisconsin Republicans, specifically criticizing a Time article which referred to Wisconsin's Republican Gov. Scott Walker as "Dead Man Walker" by asking, "what happened to that nationwide call for civility" following the January shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others in Arizona. But Fox itself has a history of repeatedly downplaying or mocking threats against Democrats and has repeatedly advanced hateful commentary both before and after the Arizona shooting. Read More

National Review Misfires In Attack On Obama Judicial Nominee Halligan's Gun Rights Record
National Review Online blogger and conservative judicial activist Gary Marx accused Obama judicial nominee Caitlin Halligan of having "a very troubling record of dismissing the Second Amendment" during her time as New York state solicitor general. In fact, Marx's attack consists of criticism of Halligan for doing her job as solicitor general by filing briefs on behalf of the state of New York, and neither of the cases Marx cites deal with Second Amendment issues. Read More

Note To Media: Experts Say It's "Not Credible" To Blame Obama For Spike In Gas Prices
Numerous mainstream media outlets have reported on Republicans' accusations that the Obama administration's drilling policies are to blame for the recent increase in gas prices. These media have failed to alert their audiences to the fact that according to energy experts, the allegation is entirely without merit. Read More

Right-Wing Media Push For Removal Of "Obstacles" To Nuclear Power In Wake Of Japan's Nuclear Crisis
In the wake of the crisis at Japanese nuclear reactors, the conservative media have pushed for the removal of "obstacles" to nuclear power and a faster nuclear permit process for nuclear plants. Nuclear energy experts, meanwhile, agree that Japan's nuclear crisis is cause to reevaluate whether nuclear regulations contain sufficient protections for public safety. Read More

Fox Spies Nonexistent "Slap" In Obama Admin's Restatement Of Long-Standing Israel Policy
Fox Nation claimed that the Obama administration had "slap[ped]" Israel by issuing a statement that it was "deeply concerned" over the continued building of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. In fact, according to President Bush's ambassador to Israel, "Every U.S. administration since 1967 has argued strongly against Israeli settlement activity." Read More

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