Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 03-02-11

Glenn Beck Needs To Look Up FDR's Record Of Supporting Collective Bargaining
Glenn Beck, dismissing the right of workers to engage in collective bargaining, claimed that President Franklin Roosevelt said "collective bargaining would destroy us." In fact, Roosevelt passed groundbreaking legislation protecting collective bargaining rights and said that collective bargaining was part of a "splendid new agreement" between the federal government and labor. Read More

Hannity Falsely Claims Ohio Public Workers Earn More Than Private Sector Counterparts
Sean Hannity falsely claimed that public workers in Ohio earn more than private sector workers, parroting a discredited USA Today analysis. In fact, the Economic Policy Institute found that compensation for Ohio public employees is "slightly less than what they would receive in the private sector" after controlling for factors such as education and experience. Read More

"Fox News Lies" While Covering Pro-Labor Protests In Wisconsin
Fox News has pushed a litany of falsehoods while reporting on pro-labor protests in Wisconsin, thereby proving right the many Wisconsin protesters who have broken out into chants of "Fox News lies." Read More

Media Criticize Huckabee's "Gibberish" Defense For Obama/Kenya Comments
Mike Huckabee has claimed that he "simply misspoke when I alluded to President Obama growing up in 'Kenya' and meant to say Indonesia." Numerous media figures have noted that Huckabee's defense is implausible: he made the false assertion twice, said Obama grew up "with a Kenyan father and grandfather," and claimed that Obama's learning about Kenya's Mau Mau Rebellion led him to develop a deep-seated hatred of the British. Read More

Right-Wing Media Dismiss Potential Effects Of A Government Shutdown
Right-wing media have responded to a potential government shutdown by dismissing the effects a shutdown would have. However, a shutdown could have a "meaningful" effect on the economy, cause thousands of workers to be furloughed, and disrupt numerous public services. Read More

Right-Wing Media Ignore The Facts To Bash Mass Transit
Recent op-eds in The Washington Examiner and The Weekly Standard have claimed that mass transit does not reduce traffic congestion and as an alternative, they promoted building more highways as a means to reduce traffic. However, studies have shown that mass transit can reduce congestion, while building more roads usually does not. Read More

Fox & Friends Unethically Pushes Dubious "Autism Cure"
Fox & Friends hosted Kenneth Bock, a doctor who purports to be able to treat autism through a change in dietary habits, and Michael Larsen, the owner of a product made from fermented coconut milk, which he claims improved his own daughter's autism-related disorder. But Fox & Friends never mentioned that Bock has promoted numerous dubious, and dangerous autism cures in the past, including the discredited link between autism and vaccines, or that Larsen stood to gain financially from the promotion of his "probiotic" drink. Read More

Newt Gingrich's Legacy As A Political Commentator: Smears, Falsehoods, And Inflammatory Rhetoric
The hallmark of Newt Gingrich's media career has been his willingness to make incendiary statements and disseminate misinformation in service of his attacks on opponents. He has maligned President Obama, his administration, Democrats, and the left, while fighting for policies that benefit the private companies from which he and his organizations have taken money. Read More

Huckabee Uses Role At Fox News To Launch Anti-Gay Attacks
Politico reports that when running for U.S. Senate in 1992, Fox News host Mike Huckabee called homosexuality "aberrant, unnatural and sinful." Huckabee does not appear to have changed his anti-gay rhetoric since becoming a Fox News host, comparing homosexuality to drug use and incest, claiming that same-sex marriage is a threat to a "stable society," and promoting virulently anti-gay guests. Read More

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