Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Even Republicans Finally Tired of Sarah Palin

Aging reality-show diva Sarah Palin is finally suffering the fate of all talentless “famous for being famous” people: Her popularity is rapidly fading, and her days as an A-lister are forever in the past.

This doesn’t mean she’ll ever have to actually work for a living — there will be infomercials for adult diapers, live appearances at regional strip-mall openings and other low-rent ways to bring in enough money to keep her far more comfortable than she deserves.

But even Fox News is about to drop Palin from a lucrative on-air contract, as her nails-on-chalkboard voice and jabbering nonsense have never translated into ratings for the cable channel, and her unfavorable rating with Republican voters is now at an all-time high of 37%, worse than any other Republican talking about running for president in 2012.

It only took two-and-a-half years of the most venal, vulgar behavior to chop Palin down to nobody size again, but now there’s at least the hope of seeing the Wasilla Grifter pushed off the national stage forever. READ MORE »

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