Thursday, March 03, 2011

Advanced Crazyology, 101

We had one of those experiences today that must be unique at some level to this era of boffo and institutionalized expressions of The Crazy. As we told you a couple weeks ago, a guy from the UK had planned to lead a protest outside the White House calling for the United States to be brought under Sharia Law. So anti-Muslim activist Frank Gaffney and his group planned a counter-rally. And as you'd imagine this was just too much of a Godzilla v. Mothra moment for us to pass up. So we sent TPM Reporter Ryan Reilly over to watch what happened.

Well, the Muslim guy from the UK didn't show up. So the point of Gaffney's protest sort of dissolved. So Ryan's there. And as Gaffney's protest is breaking up, they see this Muslim guy praying. So folks from the Gaffney protest and other protestors drift over to where he is and start yelling at him and one of the protestors starts throwing crosses at his feet. That's the story we reported a bit earlier this afternoon.

So a bit later we get an email from a reporter at Glenn Beck's new website "TheBlaze". He tells us that Gaffney's group says our report is a "lie", and what's our response?

And here's where the comedy goes all the way up to eleven.

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--Josh Marshall

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