Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rick Santorum Wants the Google To Be Civil, Stop Calling Him Gay Sex Names

Yes, Rick Santorum is aware that, according to the Internet, his name means “that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex,” thanks to the Internet’s love advice guy, Dan Savage.

But Rick Santorum also heard President Obama say something about “civility” when that woman who actually has a job in politics got shot, so he thinks President Obama should deliver a speech talking about how he’s not a byproduct of anal sex and sternly tell the Google to stop being so mean to him.

This is how things are supposed to go in the age of civility, according to Santorum. Never mind that this happened because he was being uncivil to gays and nobody is standing up for civility for him right now because everyone forgot about him and being mean to him on the Internet years ago. READ MORE »

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