Saturday, February 19, 2011

Police and firefighters join lawmakers in Grand Rapids rally against repealing binding arbitration

GRAND RAPIDS More than 300 police officers, firefighters and other union supporters rallied on Calder Plaza Saturday to let lawmakers know how much they oppose a bill to end binding arbitration to resolve disputes between their unions and municipalities. State Reps. Roy Schmidt and Brandon Dillon, both Grand Rapids Democrats, organized the event that also drew members from the Michigan Education Association and Grand Rapids Employees Independent Union...

The rally was called to show support for the 1969 Public Act 312 which mandates binding arbitration. The bill introduced by Joe Haveman, R-Holland would repeal that bill.

“People need to understand that this will not just impact police and firefighters but potentially negatively impact public safety in our communities,” Dillon said...

Grand Rapids Police Officer Association President Greg Hillary said that, before binding arbitration, a union only had work stoppage as an option to resolve disputes.

On Wednesday, police and fighters plan to march to the capitol in Lansing. That is when the first committee hearings are scheduled for the legislation.......

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