Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mississippi Confederates Request Special Edition KKK License Plate

Mississippi is always day dreamin’ about the good ol’ Confederate States of America. Those were simpler, way better times, when you didn’t need a “license plate” for your souped up dirt bike truck, and you could drive drunk, legally, all the way to the weekly “kill a queer 4 Christ” charity roadkill BBQ at Pastor Dan’s trailer park drive thru church. Jefferson Davis just didn’t give a fuck if you chose not to register your automobile with the Confederate DMV — so long as you were a white landowner with lots of slaves.

Things have changed (a little)! Now you need to register your NAS-CAR with the government, which is terrible. But hopefully soon the good people of Mississippi will be able to obtain Nathan Bedford Forrest Ku Klux Klan special edition license plates, so that they can “ghost-ride the whip” in style! What? READ MORE »

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