Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-22-11

Fox News Forced To Air "Fox Lies" Protests
Fox News has been forced to air footage of Wisconsin labor protesters shouting "Fox lies" and "tell the truth" during its live coverage of the labor protests. Read More

Right-Wing Media Push Misleading Stat That WI Public Employees Make More Than Private Workers
As protests against Gov. Scott Walker's proposed budget continue in Madison, WI, right-wing media have continued to push the misleading statistic that public employees in the state of Wisconsin make more money than their private sector counterparts. In fact, according to the Economic Policy Institute, when education and experience are factored in, public sector employees in Wisconsin earn less than workers performing comparable jobs in the private sector. Read More

Fox's Bolling Ignores Key Fact While Promoting Lila Rose's Planned Parenthood Smear
Eric Bolling helped Lila Rose promote the falsehood that Live Action exposed Planned Parenthood covering up the sex trafficking of underage girls. Bolling ignored the fact that that Planned Parenthood had contacted the FBI to report the possibility that sex trafficking was occurring, which completely undermines Rose's claim that they are covering up sex abuse. Read More

Fox Uses Case Of Canadian Baby To Raise Specter Of Death Panels
On Fox News' America Live, Megyn Kelly highlighted the case of a Canadian couple who Kelly claims has been "ordered to let their 13-month-old boy die." During discussion of the case, guest Wendy Murphy claimed the decision was "a cost issue," when in reality, the baby has no chance of recovery and doctors seek to avoid preforming a procedure that could increase the baby's discomfort and the risk of infection. Read More

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