Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-09-11

O'Reilly Forgets To Report That Planned Parenthood Contacted Authorities After "Sting"
While promoting Live Action's latest undercover video from a Planned Parenthood office in New York, Bill O'Reilly claimed that Planned Parenthood employees "aren't interested" in reporting "statutory rape." However, O'Reilly never acknowledged that Planned Parenthood contacted the Justice Department after visits from Live Action, and he also falsely claimed that Planned Parenthood profits from performing abortions. Read More

Fox Falsely Suggests Off-Shore Drilling Will Prevent High Gas Prices
The co-hosts of Fox & Friends and their guest, Fox Business host Stuart Varney, falsely suggested that domestic oil drilling could prevent gas prices from rising. In fact, economists and experts, including some in the Bush administration Energy Department, have admitted that offshore drilling would not substantially affect oil prices in the near future. Read More

Right-Wing Media Fearmonger That TSA Collective Bargaining Will Harm Security
Right-wing media have responded to the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) decision to grant collective bargaining rights to TSA workers by fearmongering that it would harm national security. Read More

O'Reilly's Officially In Denial About Fox News' "Crusade" Against Obama
Following his February 6 interview with President Obama, Bill O'Reilly has repeatedly insisted that Fox News is "not in business to demean the President," not "invested in hurting him" and "not on a crusade to harm the administration." But Fox News has repeatedly attacked Obama's religious faith and family, promoted questions about his birthplace, called him anti-American, accused him of racism, and used the tiniest of pretenses to vilify him. Read More

Glenn Beck's Bircher Bona Fides
In panning Glenn Beck's "hysteria" over the Egypt protests, the Weekly Standard's William Kristol recently wrote that Beck "brings to mind no one so much as Robert Welch and the John Birch Society." Beck has many ties to the fringe right-wing anti-communist group, and the John Birch Society has praised Beck's rhetoric. Read More

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