Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 02-08-11

Beck Expands His Egypt Theory With Red-Baiting Union Smears
Glenn Beck expanded on his theory about Egypt by leveling a series of wild smears at labor unions, alleging that they are "led by communists" and that they are working to "help stomp out the free market and capitalism," which is "why they're rushing in to support the democratic revolution in Egypt." Beck supported this theory with false claims about unions. Read More

Gaffney Cites Program, Group Promoted By Bush Admin. To Attack Obama As "Friend Of Shariah"
In a Washington Times op-ed, right-wing pundit Frank Gaffney claimed that President Obama's "record suggests he must be seen as a 'friend of Shariah.'" In fact, Gaffney bases this claim, in part, on the administration's support for an initiative that began under President Bush, as well as the Obama administration's ties to an American Muslim group that the Bush administration also promoted. Read More

Fox's Oil Man Eric Bolling: Short On Science, Long On Climate Misinformation
Fox's purported business expert Eric Bolling routinely advances falsehoods about climate change, airing views and hosting guests that reinforce skeptics' claims that global warming "is just a big scam." Bolling, "once one of the biggest individual traders of oil and energy futures," also regularly pushes offshore drilling on-air. Read More

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