Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Facebook: Sarah Palin ‘Lou Sarah’ Account Violated Our Terms of Service

We’re now at the end of day two of wondering why a private Facebook account was registered to Sarah Palin’s personal e-mail address, a profile listed under the name “Lou Sarah” that was “friends” with members of Palin’s family and her political appointees, not to mention was used to “like” her own infamous public page. Palin hasn’t given an answer, but when it appeared the profile was in the process of being taken down, she issued a statement saying her public page was her only account.

If the “Lou Sarah” account was hers, the statement was technically right at that point; because it was coming down, she did only have one account. So we reached out to Facebook, who sent us back a statement on why the account went down. “The account was found to run afoul of our terms and it was disabled,” wrote Facebook official Andrew Noyes. “Facebook has always been based on a real name culture.”

He refused to say whether it was Facebook acting alone or a request by either the Palin team or somebody logged in as “Lou Sarah” that prompted the removal of the profile. READ MORE »

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