Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tennessee Dem Cohen: 'I Never Called Republicans Nazis'


Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), who got in some hot water this week for comparing the rhetorical tactics used by Republicans in the health care debate to those used by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, issued a new statement Thursday expressing regret that his statement offended Jewish groups.

Cohen's statement says that he understood the confusion and concern when his statements were "taken out of context."

"While I regret that anything I said has created an opportunity to distract from the debate about health care for 32 million Americans, I want to be clear that I never called Republicans Nazis," Cohen said. "Instead, the reference I made was to the greatest propaganda master of all time. Propaganda, which is called 'messaging' today, can be true or false. In this case, the message is false."......................

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