Thursday, January 27, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 01-27-11

Fox Tries To Debunk Global Warming, Fails Miserably
In an article titled, "Five Reasons the Planet May Not Be Its Hottest Ever," sought to debunk the fact that Earth has warmed over the past 30 years, as well as the notion that human activity has contributed to the warming. But Fox largely ignored climate science and botched basic facts in the article, portions of which "are utter nonsense" and "do not make sense" according to climatologists consulted by Media Matters, including one of the skeptics cited by Fox. Read More

Broken Record: Fox Still Falsely Claiming That Snow Disproves Global Warming
During their recent coverage of winter storms, Fox News has repeatedly mocked former Vice President Al Gore and cited the cold and snowy weather to attempt to discredit global warming. Fox News and other right-wing media routinely use snow to cast doubt on global warming, and internal emails from Fox News' Washington bureau show that in the past Fox employees have been instructed to question climate science. Read More

Right-Wing Media Revive Myth That Health Care Waivers Are Political Favors
Following the announcement that additional companies have received waivers from one provision of the health care reform law, right-wing media have claimed that the Obama administration is granting the waivers as political favors. In fact, many of the waivers, which are temporary, have been given to companies in industries that opposed the law. Read More

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