Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 01-26-11

Right-Wing Media Attack Obama Address By Taking "Sputnik" Metaphor Literally
In his State of the Union address, President Obama called for a new era of innovation by saying "this is our Sputnik moment," referencing the 1960s-era space race that began after the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite. Right-wing media attacked Obama's remarks by taking the metaphor literally and criticizing Obama's NASA policy. Read More

Right-Wing Media Embrace Ryan's SOTU Response -- But Economists Disagree
Right-wing media have embraced Rep. Paul Ryan's GOP State of the Union response as a "candid, adult-like conversation with the American people" and a "Home Run." But economists have disagreed with several of the claims made by Ryan in his speech, including that the stimulus "failed" and that the health care reform law does not reduce the deficit. Read More

Beck: Progressives Are "Enemies Of God"
Glenn Beck recently claimed that his show "hasn't been about hateful rhetoric." But on both his Fox News show and his radio program, Beck routinely goes far beyond criticizing the viewpoints of those who don't share his political ideology; unlike any other well-known political commentator, Beck actually claims his political adversaries are "enemies of God." Read More

Predictable: Right-Wing Media Find SOTU "Boring"
Following President Obama's State of the Union address, right-wing media predictably declared his speech speech "boring," "dull," and "flat" -- terms they have consistently used to describe most speeches Obama has given in the past two years. Read More

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