Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 01-11-11

Right-Wing Media Smear Moulitsas With Doctored Image
Right-wing media have promoted a doctored image that supposedly shows that Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas used the image of a bull's eye in connection with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). In fact, the original Daily Kos post did not contain an image of a bull's eye. Read More

Fox Whitewashes The Right In Accusing Dems of Politicizing AZ Shooting
Fox News has run repeated segments attacking some progressive media figures and politicians for suggesting that political rhetoric from the right inspired the recent tragic shootings in Arizona. In doing so, Fox has whitewashed right-wing media figures who have attempted to describe Loughner as a liberal and pin the shooting on "the left." Read More

In Wake Of Arizona Shooting, Beck Backs Off Claim That Obama Wants Him Dead
Responding to criticism of violent political rhetoric in the wake of the tragic shooting in Arizona, Glenn Beck ridiculed the notion that "spirited debate" leads to violence, asking rhetorically whether, because he is "enemy number one of Barack Obama," the president "wants me dead." In fact, Beck has a long history of suggesting just that. Read More

REPORT: Media Ignore Rep. Issa's Alleged Criminal Past
Rep. Darrell Issa's past includes arrests for weapons charges and auto theft, suspicions of arson, and accusations of intimidation with a gun, but you'd hardly know it from the media's recent coverage of the new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. While Issa was substantially mentioned in 15 articles in the nation's largest newspapers since the last election -- including several major profiles -- only one of those articles mentioned any of these allegations. Likewise, interviewers did not ask Issa about his alleged criminal past in any of the cable or network interviews he sat for during that period. Read More

Beck's Pledge: A Coded Attack On Obama
In the aftermath of the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, Glenn Beck has issued what he claims is a pledge denouncing violence. But as the language of that pledge makes clear, it is little more than the same attacks on President Obama that Beck has engaged in for the past two years. Read More

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