Monday, January 10, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 01-10-10

Conservative Media Ignored Security Threats To Attack Pelosi's Use Of Military Aircraft
While the tragic shooting at a public event for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was done by a mentally unstable individual, and while there is no apparent connection to any political party, the current political rhetoric has reached an unacceptable level. Media Matters revisits instances in which conservative media figures ignored or minimized security threats against Nancy Pelosi in order to attack her for using a military aircraft. In fact, the Department of Defense provided the plane as a security measure after the 9-11 attacks -- a measure that was also provided to former GOP Speaker Dennis Hastert. Read More

Right-Wing Media Consistently Downplayed Violent Threats Toward Obama, Dem Lawmakers
While the right-wing's violent rhetoric is not directly responsible for the recent tragic shooting in Arizona, the current political rhetoric has reached an unacceptable level. Yet, the right-wing media has consistently downplayed displays of violence toward Democrats, portraying Democrats who received threats following the health care vote as overreacting or lying, while also downplaying the significance of protesters who attended rallies and events while armed.
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Right-Wing Media Mocked Concerns About Violent Rhetoric During Health Care Debate
While the tragic shooting at a public event for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was done by a mentally unstable individual, and while there is no apparent connection to any political party, the current political rhetoric has reached an unacceptable level. Media Matters retraces the health care reform debate, when right-wing media figures relentlessly mocked concerns about violent rhetoric that dominated congressional town hall meetings and tea party protests. Read More

Law Enforcement Memo Links Arizona Assassin To "Anti-Immigration" American Renaissance
A law enforcement memo reportedly states that alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner is "possibly linked" to the white supremacist magazine American Renaissance, edited by Jared Taylor. As the memo indicates, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was targeted in the attack, is "opposite this group's ideology" on immigration. Read More

Right-Wing Media Link Arizona Assassin To Liberals ... Through Hitler?
As details about the tragic shooting in Arizona came to light, members of the right-wing media quickly used the fact that Hitler's Mein Kampf was listed as one of Jared Loughner's favorite books as evidence that his politics are "left wing." This characterization coincides with years of effort by Fox News personalities to tie the fascist Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler to progressivism. Read More

A Tale of Two Sheriffs: Right-Wing Media Assails One AZ Sheriff For Condemning Vitriol; Praises Another Who Attacks Left
In the wake of the tragic shootings in Arizona, several right-wing media figures have attacked Pima County Sheriff Dupnik for calling for an end to vitriolic rhetoric while discussing the shooting. However, the right-wing media repeatedly praised a different Arizona sheriff, Paul Babeu, who regularly engages in vitriolic attacks against President Obama and Democrats. Read More

Cognitive Dissonance: Fox Cheerleads Constitution Reading While Targeting 14th Amendment
Fox News lauded Republicans' ceremonial reading of the U.S. Constitution on the House floor. However, Fox News figures have boosted right-wing efforts to change birthright citizenship as provided by the 14th Amendment in order to exclude the children of illegal immigrants. Read More

Historian: Beck's Defense Of Three-Fifths Clause "Completely Wrong"
According to experts, Glenn Beck's claim that the Founding Fathers included the three-fifths clause in the Constitution as a "way to take a step to abolish slavery" is incorrect. Indeed, when asked about Beck's statement, University of Pennsylvania history professor Rick Beeman wrote: "My Goodness -- Glenn Beck got it completely wrong." Read More

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