Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 01-04-11

Fox's "Light Bulb Ban" Does Not Exist
Since the Energy Independence and Security Act was passed in 2007, right-wing media have claimed that it will outlaw incandescent light bulbs. In fact, the bill, signed by President Bush, only sets standards for light bulbs and does not ban all incandescent bulbs, only inefficient ones. Read More

WSJ Revives Tired Claim To Suggest Health Reform Increases Deficit
A Wall Street Journal editorial claimed that Democrats "counted 10 years of revenue but only six years of spending to make ObamaCare appear to cut the deficit." In fact, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the legislation will not only reduce budget deficits through 2019 but will continue to reduce deficits in the following decade. Read More

Fox Obscures And Misinforms On Prescription "Doughnut Hole" Fix
Fox & Friends repeatedly misinformed about a provision in the health care reform law that fixes Medicare Part D's coverage gap, known as the "doughnut hole." Purporting to explain the "doughnut hole," Fox & Friends used the example of a fictional patient whose annual prescription costs did not reach the level of the coverage gap and later hosted Laura Ingraham, who falsely suggested the health care reform law did not fix this coverage gap. Read More

Coming Right-Wing Smear: Common Legislative Procedure Is "Chicanery"
HotAir.com's Ed Morrissey is the first of what will no doubt become a flood of right-wing media figures falsely characterizing a proposal for Senate Democrats to extend the first legislative day of the session in order to build support for filibuster reform as them using "chicanery" to "change the definition of a day." But the legislative day "usually does not correspond" to the calendar day, instead lasting "from days to weeks, or even months." Read More

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