Sunday, January 02, 2011

Media Matters Daily Summary 01-02-11

Fox Rings In The New Year By Rehashing 2010 Falsehoods
Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace rang in the New Year by hosting Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) to attack Attorney General Eric Holder for supposedly not "do[ing] anything about ACORN," or "anything effectively about the New Black Panthers." In fact, both issues are phony scandals pushed by Fox News. Read More

Kristol Still Fearmongering About Government Health Care Rationing
On Fox News Sunday, Bill Kristol advanced the claim that "the more government takes over health care, the more rationing there will be." In fact, rationing exists under the current private insurance system. Read More

Fox's Stossel Ignores Evidence To Rail Against Minimum Wage
During a one-hour special on Fox News, John Stossel attacked the minimum wage, claiming that it is responsible for unemployment both among teenagers and the overall labor force. In fact, studies have found that recent increases in the minimum wage have not increased teen unemployment or overall unemployment. Read More

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