Monday, January 24, 2011

Macaca Returns: George Allen Running For Senate Again

Still bummed out over America’s comedic loss of Christine O’Donnell? Relax! There’s always another Top Tier Clown to provide the laughs in every election cycle. And the 2012 Humor Olympics have already begun because George Allen will announce today that he’s running for the Senate in Virginia, in 2012!

Just six years after this racist buffoon was laughed off the political stage, he is “making a comeback” — this means he will carry a football around for the next two years straight, often while wearing cowboy boots, saying “Reagan” a lot, and sometimes even riding an alive horse.

It was the weird “Old Europe” anti-negro slur macaca that ruined his re-election attempt in 2006, but the real beauty of that minor moment was the way it revealed a whole lifetime of the kind of ugly, deeply racist frat-boy crap you would generally expect from an old white southern rich twit but that isn’t really acceptable these days in states like Virginia, with its whole northern half filled with semi-modern people who have college degrees and hybrids and most of their teeth. READ MORE »

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