Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 11-09-10

Dick Morris needs a new crystal ball
In the run-up to the 2010 midterm elections, Fox's Dick Morris offered numerous incorrect--and often wildly off-mark--electoral predictions in fundraising emails and media appearances, in which he also occasionally got the names of candidates he was promoting wrong. This follows Morris' long history of off-the-mark political prognostications. Read More

Echoing Bush, right-wing media advance disputed claim that waterboarding "saved lives"
Following the release of former President George W. Bush's book Decision Points, right-wing media are promoting Bush's claim that waterboarding "saved lives." But this claim is disputed by intelligence experts, including former British officials who have "cast doubt" on Bush's waterboarding claims. Read More

"Puppet master": Beck's attacks on Soros are steeped in anti-Semitic stereotypes
Glenn Beck has repeatedly attacked financier and philanthropist George Soros with anti-Semitic stereotypes, referring to Soros as a "puppet master" and accusing him of controlling the media, the political process, and the global economy. Read More

Right-wing media invent ethics problem for Justice Kagan
Right-wing media have suggested that Justice Elena Kagan acted illegally by not recusing herself from a case challenging the constitutionality of a provision in the health care reform legislation due to her prior job as solicitor general. In fact, Kagan has said that she did not participate in litigation dealing with health care reform, nor did she comment on the ensuing law's constitutionality. Read More

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