Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chickens Home to Roost

We noted earlier today that Rep.-elect Allen West (R-FL) had changed his mind about appointing far-right talk show host Joyce Kaufman as his new Chief of Staff. She had courted controversy earlier by calling for violence against the tyranny of the Obama administration, especially if Tea Partiers fell short in the November election. And yesterday she called Speaker Pelosi "garbage".

But it looks like there might be more to the story.

You may have heard that schools around Broward County, along with some libraries and Post Office's, were put on lockdown for several hours yesterday. It now appears that the threat that forced the lockdown came from someone inspired by Kaufman's threats against the government or angry at the press criticism she'd received earlier in the week. It was shortly after the police investigation suggested this connection that Kaufman was out as West's new Chief of Staff.

Eric Kleefeld has the whole story.

--Josh Marshall

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