Monday, October 11, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 10-11-10

"Progressive Hunter"
"I would have never started watching Fox News if it wasn't for the fact that Beck was on there. And it was the things that he did, it was the things he exposed that blew my mind." - Byron Williams Read More

Who is Alex Jones?
As John Hamilton reported, alleged California highway shooter Byron Williams cited radio host Alex Jones as a source of information. Like Williams, Alex Jones believes in numerous anti-government conspiracy theories, such as that the 9-11 attacks were an inside job. Read More

A guide to David Horowitz's DiscoverTheNetworks
As journalist John Hamilton reported, alleged California highway shooter Byron Williams -- who reportedly told investigators that "his intention was to start a revolution by traveling to San Francisco and killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU" -- recommended David Horowitz's conservative website (DTN) as a source of information about financier George Soros and Tides. DTN has attacked Soros and accused the Tides Foundation of wanting "America destroyed" and of laundering money to radical leftist causes. Read More

Michael Savage has a long history of violent rhetoric
As reported by John Hamilton, a neighbor of alleged California highway shooter Byron Williams said Williams "would turn on Michael Savage." Like Glenn Beck, radio host Savage has a history of violent rhetoric. Read More

Beck's June programs were overloaded with violent, conspiratorial and paranoid rhetoric
As John Hamilton reported, alleged California highway shooter Byron Williams directed him "to go back to June -- June of this year, 2010 -- and look at all his [Beck's] programs from June, and you'll see he's been breaking open some of the most hideous corruption." A review of those programs shows that Beck frequently used violent, conspiratorial and paranoid rhetoric to rail against the government and progressives, including the Tides Foundation. Read More

Like Byron Williams, Beck frequently obsessed about Tides and Soros
As John Hamilton reported, alleged California highway shooter Byron Williams - who reportedly told investigators that "his intention was to start a revolution by traveling to San Francisco and killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU" - repeatedly assailed financier George Soros. Fox News host Glenn Beck, whose show Williams touted, has also attacked "evil" Soros and Tides, often weaving them into his conspiracy theories. Read More

"Violence is coming": Glenn Beck's long history of violent rhetoric
As John Hamilton reported, alleged California highway shooter Byron Williams described Beck as "a schoolteacher" and said that "it was the things [Beck] exposed that blew my mind." Though he urges his audience to "reject violence," Beck regularly spews violent rhetoric -- often warning of impending violence from "the left." Read More

Byron Williams attack follows numerous right-wing terrorism incidents in recent years
As journalist John Hamilton wrote, Byron Williams was arrested after he allegedly opened fire on California Highway Patrol officers. Williams reportedly told investigators that "his intention was to start a revolution by traveling to San Francisco and killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU." Williams' alleged actions follow numerous right-wing terrorism attacks in past years. Read More

Palin enables Beck's extreme rhetoric
As John Hamilton reported, alleged California highway shooter Byron Williams described Glenn Beck as "a schoolteacher" and said that "it was the things [Beck] exposed that blew my mind." One of Beck's biggest supporters has been Sarah Palin, who has appeared at Beck's events, praised his "wisdom," and encouraged followers to watch his conspiracy-laden programs. Read More

Conservative media figures have history of violent rhetoric
In recent years, conservative media figures on Fox News and elsewhere have frequently used violent rhetoric in criticizing progressives. Read More

Wash. Times op-ed ignores Supreme Court ruling to call EPA regulating carbon a "power grab"
A Washington Times op-ed claimed that the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) "designation of 'greenhouse gases' pollutants subject to EPA regulation" is "a naked power grab" because the term "does not appear anywhere in the Clean Air Act." But the Supreme Court has ruled that greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change are air pollutants subject to EPA authority under the Act. Read More

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