Thursday, October 07, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 10-07-10

Beck's historian delivered talks to racist, anti-Semitic Christian Identity groups
According to the Anti-Defamation League, David Barton, a self-described historian promoted by Fox News' Glenn Beck, has twice spoken to groups affiliated with the racist and anti-Semitic Christian Identity movement. Beck himself has promoted the work and ideas of anti-Semites. Read More

Reality need not apply: Fox continues to deny aid to poor is stimulative
Fox News hosts and contributors have recently dismissed estimates of food stamp programs' stimulative effect on the economy as "some strange multiplier effect study," "liberal math" and a "complicated economic multiplier theory." In fact, economists agree that food stamps are one of "the most effective ways to prime the economy's pump."
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Right-wing smear machine falsely declares Dem congressman thinks U.S. debt is a myth
Conservative media are pushing a deceptively cropped video of Rep. Phil Hare (D-IL) to claim he "doesn't believe the national debt is real." In fact, the context of Hare's remarks make clear he was referring to the "myth" that you can't "just can't spend" to put "people back to work" because "this country is in debt," an opinion with which liberal and conservative economists agree.
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Damage control: Fox defends Rove's GOP slush fund from potential IRS audit
Fox's Megyn Kelly hosted Dana Perino to portray calls for an IRS audit of a Republican slush fund promoted by Karl Rove as a politically motivated "conspiracy," ignoring that such calls have been issued by non-partisan organizations that called for similar audits of Democratic-leaning groups in 2004. They also furthered the bogus claim that the White House illegally accessed the tax information of Koch Industries. Read More

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