Friday, October 01, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 10-01-10

Highbrow birtherism: D'Souza links Obama policies to "the ideology of a Luo tribesman"
Dinesh D'Souza appeared on Fox News' Glenn Beck to discuss how his "anti-colonialist" theory explains the motivations behind President Obama's policy decisions. While doing so, D'Souza invented some facts and mangled others in order to peddle the ridiculous notion that President Obama is "a captive of the ideology of a Luo tribesman from the 1950s." Read More

Doocy just can't stop misinforming about health care costs
Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy again promoted the false claim that health care reform is to blame for a projected rise in health care costs for the upcoming year. In fact, the cost increases are primarily due to changing workforce demographics and advances in medical technology. Read More

Wash. Times misleads on health care reform's impact on families
A Washington Times editorial misleadingly claimed that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) "estimated that Obamacare would drive up insurance premiums by around 30 percent in the individual market and up to 3 percent in the small-group market." In fact, CBO estimated that when federal subsidies are factored in, the majority of individual enrollees will pay less for their premiums. Read More

Herridge is not alone: News Corp.'s history of discrimination complaints
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced it is suing Fox News for allegedly retaliating against correspondent Catherine Herridge's internal gender and age discrimination complaints. The Herridge case is only the latest in a long line of discrimination complaints against News Corp. and its subsidiaries. Read More

Ample evidence contradicts Murdoch's claim that "we are not anti-immigrant on Fox News"
News Corp. chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch, a proponent of comprehensive immigration reform, said at a House subcommittee hearing recently that Fox News, which News Corp. owns, is not "anti-immigrant." In fact, Fox News routinely polarizes and degrades the debate over immigration issues with outright falsehoods, fearmongering, and outrageous rhetoric that is hostile to immigrants. Read More

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