Sunday, October 24, 2010

GOP congressional candidate says violent overthrow of Democrats 'on the table' if Republicans lose in 2010...


Pastor Stephen Broden, a Texas Republican running for Congress and frequent guest on the Glenn Beck program (pictured right with RNC Chairman Michael Steele), has a history of making surprising statements ... But this one takes the cake.

He's running for US Congress in a strongly Democratic district of Dallas, and he's not going to win -- at least, not if the recent polling is any indicator. Ten days out from election day, Broden was trailing Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) by almost 30 percent, according to The New York Times.

So, he's doing what any longshot contender would do: throwing a hail marry to the fringe.

In an apparent appeal to the party's most radical elements, Broden declared during a recent television interview that if Republicans do not win control of Congress in 2010, violent revolution -- while not the "first option" -- is "on the table."

Supporters were quick to distance themselves from the long-shot tea party favorite. Even Glenn Beck, who has hosted Broden six times since August of last year, denounced his support for the south Dallas pastor, telling listeners, "I can't stand with you at all if you are saying stuff like that...............................

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