Wednesday, October 13, 2010


ALBANYRepublican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino announced today that he is gay. A brainwashed gay.

Appearing on NBC’s “Today” Monday morning, the Republican gubernatorial candidate Paladino said he has nothing against gay people in his work or personal life – he just doesn’t want to be exposed to their culture.

He specifically signaled out gay pride parades, with marchers wearing “Speedos and grinding against each other.”

When pressed by Matt Lauer about why he has come out so strongly against the gay lifestyle, Paladino shocked viewers when he stood up and announced:

” I am a gay American.”

Paladino said this was the perfect day for him to come out because it’s National Coming Out Day!

Paladino went on to say that he is worried about children being “brainwashed” into being gay because when he was a child in Buffalo, New York, he was taken into a room by his Algebra teacher and “he put a big metal helmet on my head, with lots of tin foil, and they played the soundtrack to “Hello, Dolly” over and over again. The teachers did this every day for a month. Then, one day, during a little league game, Tommy Flanagan, slid into second base and I helped him up and kissed him, right there.”

And Paladino has been kissing men ever since…..............

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