Monday, October 11, 2010

California shooter says he saw Glenn Beck as ‘schoolteacher’


The 45-year-old "highway shooter" who engaged in a 12-minute shootout with California Highway Patrol officers earlier this year now says Fox News host Glenn Beck has been an inspiration for his activity.

In a several thousand word expose for MediaMatters, Pacifica journalist John Hamilton interviewed the so-called highway shooter, Byron Williams, from prison.

In the interview, Williams details what he saw as an elaborate global conspiracy and tells the journalist -- whom he sees as his "media advocate" -- to look to specific broadcasts of Beck's show for information on the conspiracy he describes. (MediaMatters says Beck's show provided "information on the conspiracy theory that drove him over the edge: an intricate plot involving Barack Obama, philanthropist George Soros, a Brazilian oil company, and the BP disaster.")

The release on Hamilton's story explains that "Williams also points to other media figures -- right-wing propagandist David Horowitz, and Internet conspiracist and repeated Fox News guest Alex Jones -- as key sources of information to inspire his 'revolution.'"

Williams is quoted as saying that "Beck would never say anything about a conspiracy, would never advocate violence. He'll never do anything ... of this nature. But he'll give you every ounce of evidence that you could possibly need."..........................

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