Monday, September 20, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 09-20-10

WSJ op-ed falsely claims Imam Rauf said Ground Zero isn't "hallowed ground"
A September 20 Wall Street Journal op-ed falsely claimed that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf said "Ground Zero can't be hallowed ground because there is a strip joint and an off-track betting office nearby." In fact, Rauf was referring to the proposed site for the Islamic community center, which is not at Ground Zero. Read More

Wash. Times op-ed falsely claims Defense bill provides "taxpayer dollars" for "elective abortions"
The Washington Times published an op-ed by anti-abortion activist Denise Burke which repeatedly claimed that Sen. Roland Burris' amendment to the Defense Authorization bill authorizes "taxpayer dollars to be used for elective abortions." In fact, while the Burris amendment would allow abortions to be performed in Defense Department facilities, patients would be responsible for covering the cost of the procedures. Read More

Toronto Sun corrects Soros-Nazi smear
The Toronto Sun issued a correction to a column they recently published claiming that George Soros, as a child, "collaborated with the Nazis." This smear has long been popular among conservatives attacking Soros for his support of progressive causes. Read More

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