Thursday, September 16, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 09-16-10

Fox & Friends' class war marches on
Fox & Friends worked overtime on its September 16 broadcast to "spin" the proposed extension of the middle class tax cuts into "a tax hike" for the wealthiest Americans, by making a series of false and baseless claims. Read More

Memo to Forbes: D'Souza's "facts" are indeed in contention
In a September 9 Forbes cover story that has been praised by Newt Gingrich and Glenn Beck, Dinesh D'Souza asserts that President Obama's policies should be understood as a manifestation of his African father's "hatred of the colonial system." Forbes has said it "stands by the story" and that "no facts are in contention," but D'Souza's article contains numerous falsehoods and distortions. Read More

Big Government takes a big swing and a miss at Norton
Andrew Breitbart's Big Government is pushing what it calls "Shock Audio" of Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) soliciting a campaign donation from a lobbyist. In fact, there is nothing unusual about soliciting a donation from a lobbyist. Read More

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