Thursday, September 02, 2010

Jan Brewer Struggles To Recall Her Accomplishments


Last night was the first, and possibly only, debate between candidates for Arizona governor, and it got off to a rough start for Gov. Jan Brewer (R), who struggled twice to remember her accomplishments during her opening statement. Politico writes:

Brewer, who has gained national notoriety for signing into law the country’s toughest provisions for illegal immigrants, awkwardly paused twice during the opening statement of the Clean Elections Debate broadcast on the state’s PBS affiliate. [...]

[A]fter saying, “We have cut the budget, we have balanced the budget and we are moving forward. We have done everything that we could possibly do,” the governor paused for 10 seconds — an eternity in a live televised debate — before looking down at her notes.

Watch it:

This debate was required by the Arizona Clean elections law. Brewer’s Democratic opponent, Attorney General Terry Goddard, has challenged Brewer to six more debates. For some reason, she has yet to accept.

Update Afterwards, Arizona reporters attempted to ask Brewer why she would not retract her false claim during the debate that illegal immigrants conduct beheadings in the Arizona desert. Brewer had her third awkward silence of the night, and walked away without answering. Watch it:

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