Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Steele Tells Univision: Arizona's Immigration Law Doesn't Reflect GOP's View (VIDEO)


In an interview with Spanish-language network Univision, RNC Chairman Michael Steele distanced his party from Arizona's controversial new immigration law, saying, "The actions of one state's governor is not a reflection of an entire country, nor is it a reflection of an entire political party."

"We hope, now that this debate is in full bloom, level heads will prevail and that we'll reach a common sense solution with regards to immigration," Steele said.

It's not the first time that Steele has distanced the party from Arizona's law, and tried to paint the debate surrounding the law as a reason to confront immigration on the federal level. In April, Steele said something similar in an appearance on CNN

"The governor of Arizona acted in the best interests of Arizona, and you may find that governor of another state may come to a different conclusion," Steele said. "That's why the federal action at this time is so important."

"We need as a party to be mindful that our prior actions in this area and certainly our rhetoric in this area has been the most welcoming," he added.


(h/t The Hill)

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