Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hypocrite of the Day: Muslim Immigration Enabler Dan Senor “Upset” About Ground Zero Mosque

The Hate has them eating their own ......

By Debbie Schlussel

I’ve written repeatedly (here and here) about my feelings on the proposed Ground Zero mosque a/k/a Cordoba House, an issue which is a red herring used by grandstanders and publicity seeking frauds. You know who they are (Scamela alert, Newt alert, Sarah alert). If they were truly bothered by a mosque there, they’d be bothered, as I am, by a mosque anywhere in America. And they’d be bothered by the other mosque, which is already in existence right near Ground Zero. But they aren’t. This is about an opportunity for self-promotion and intellectual dishonesty quickly consumed by the gullible. Today, they are up in arms that they did not get historical landmark designation for this building, a designation which they never sought when it was Burlington Coat Factory, so it’s yet more intellectual fraud and hypocrisy. But there’s a bigger hypocrite than all of them on this issue........................................

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