Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cordoba Mosque: Hamas is Not Us

Jeffrey Goldberg

Little Green Footballs has been doing a lot of Cordoba-related heavy lifting in recent days, pointing out over and over again the brutish idiocy of much of the opposition to the so-called Ground Zero mosque. ("So-called" because it would not be located at, you know, Ground Zero.) And now the latest: LGF is pushing back against enemies of the Cordoba Initiative who have been linking the group to Hamas. As many Goldblog readers know, I do not run a pro-Hamas site. As many Goldblog readers also know, I am well-acquainted with the imam who is trying to build this mosque (and community center), and I know, from personal experience, that he has no love at all for Hamas, its paranoia, its violence and its anti-Semitism. So: please, before you repeat the lie that Cordoba is some sort of subsidiary of Hamas, please check with me first.

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