Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Colbert Calls Out Laura Ingraham For 'Hideous, Hackneyed Racial Stereotypes' In Her Obama Book


Stephen Colbert had conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham on his show last night to promote her new book, The Obama Diaries, which is made up of fake diary entries by the President.

Colbert read from one entry: "It's the era of 'Barack The Beautiful,' long may I reign," and then asked, "What are the odds that Barack Obama's private musings would completely and perfectly match up with the narrative that the right is trying to push about him?"

When Ingraham noted that she's never believed Obama is dumb, Colbert responded: "I've read a fair amount of this book, and I know he's not supposed to be a dumb guy, he's a great orator, but this writing is terrible."

After reading a segment that describes Michelle Obama eating baby-back ribs for every meal, Colbert added: "Obama's making the most hideous, hackneyed racial stereotypes in here."

Ingraham then tried to deflect Colbert's criticism by referring to when Colbert called her "Ichabod Crane's banshee widow" in a previous show. Banshee, she said, is "racially" charged, and "very controversial."

Colbert fired back that Ichabod Crane is the hero of the story, and a banshee warns people when a loved one might be dying. So all in all it was a compliment.


The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Laura Ingraham
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

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