Saturday, July 17, 2010

UH OH = Effective Immediately, Tea Party Express Is No Longer a Member of the National Tea Party Federation

Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 at 3:43pm

Last night, the members of the National Tea Party Federation participating in an "All Hands" conference call unanimously decided the following:

The membership of the National Tea Party Federation has this evening suspended and will immediately expel Tea Party Express from any further association with the Federation should they fail to publicly rebuke Mark Williams and remove him from their ranks by 3 pm eastern time Saturday July 17.

The rebuke must take the following form:

1. Mark Williams must be officially removed from the ranks of the Tea Party Express.

2. Notice of Mark Williams' removal must be placed prominently on the official Tea Party Express website.

3. Tea Party Express must issue a press release articulating points 1 and 2 above.

* * *

Last night, a member of the National Tea Party Federation communicated our decision directly to a member of the leadership team of Tea Party Express. That leader's response was clear: they have no intention of taking the action we required for their group to continue as a member of the National Tea Party Federation.

Therefore, effective immediately the National Tea Party Federation is expelling Tea Party Express from the ranks of our membership.


Christina Botteri


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