Monday, July 12, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 07-12-10

The Fox Cycle: From bogus right-wing attack to mainstream news
As more and more media outlets follow Fox News' lead in covering the manufactured New Black Panther Party/Department of Justice (DOJ) scandal, Media Matters offers three case studies of previous bogus right-wing attacks that, with help from Fox News, went mainstream before being debunked. Read More

Beck falsely claims Navy not involved in BP oil spill response
On his radio show, Glenn Beck falsely claimed that the Navy "has not been called in" to assist with clean-up and response efforts in the Gulf Coast. In reality, the Navy has been involved in the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill "since day #1." Read More

NYP op-ed disappears Bush's politicization of the Justice Department
In a New York Post op-ed, former Bush Justice Department official Kris Kobach accused the Obama Justice Department of pursuing a "weak" lawsuit against Arizona's controversial immigration law -- which Kobach helped draft -- for "purely political reasons," in contrast to "past administrations." In fact, the Bush Justice Department was found to be highly politicized, and legal experts agree that the Arizona law is "unconstitutional." Read More

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