Monday, July 19, 2010

Exclusive: Religious group calls out Glenn Beck’s ‘warped gospel’, launches ad campaign


When Glenn Beck attacks Christianity, some just see red. Others -- they spy opportunity.

Dan Nejfelt, a communications associate with advocacy group Faith in Public Life, has been high on Beck's smear-list ever since his group began running Christian radio ads quoting scripture as a way of encouraging believers to stop paying attention to the right-wing Fox News personality.

The group, which says their ads are sponsored by over 100,000 members nation-wide, has gone so far as to target their ads for every city Beck is visiting this summer.

RELATED: Long-time Glenn Beck advertiser Goldline under investigation

Their efforts have been getting Beck's goat in a big way. In recent days he's even played their ad on his radio program and increased the ferocity of his rhetoric against Christians who see poverty, war, climate change and economic tyranny as core social ills.......................................

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