Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Doocy resorts to falsehood in defense of Fox's terrible Sherrod coverage

Fox & Friends' Steve Doocy falsely claimed that "Fox News did not do" the Shirley Sherrod story "until after she had already resigned." In fact, published a story based on the deceptively edited video before Sherrod resigned; indeed, a subsequent article reported that she resigned "shortly after published its initial report on the video."

Doocy whitewashes Fox News' irresponsible coverage of Breitbart's deceptive video

Doocy: "Fox News did not do the story until after she had already resigned." From the July 21 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

DOOCY: Yesterday, the NAACP came out and they said that we are now apologizing to her and they say they were snookered by Fox News and Andrew Breitbart but as Dana mentioned, there's a timeline problem. Fox news did not do the story until after she had already resigned. So she was pressured by the Department of Agriculture to quit, she quit, and then we did the story. So for anybody to say that Fox News pressured her out, that is simply a lie.

In fact, ran the story before Sherrod resigned "Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer." A July 19 article reported on the video, noting that it was "first posted by" and reported that: is seeking a response from both the NAACP and the USDA. The clip adds to the firestorm of debate over the NAACP's decision to approve a resolution at its convention last week accusing some Tea Party activists of racism -- a charge Tea Party leaders deny. "The Agriculture Department announced" the resignation "shortly after published its initial report." A July 20 article stated: "The Agriculture Department announced Monday, shortly after published its initial report on the video, that Sherrod had resigned." That initial report was replaced by the July 20 article, but it was copied on a discussion thread here.

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