Monday, June 14, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 16-14-10

Doocy attempts to conceal Sharron Angle's position on Social Security
During an interview with Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle (NV), Fox & Friends' Steve Doocy suggested that it is "misinformation" and "not true" that Angle wants to "get rid of Social Security." In fact, Angle's campaign website advocates "transition[ing] out" Social Security.
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Right-wing media misrepresent Obama remarks about oil spill and 9-11
Right-wing media have falsely suggested that in an interview with Politico, President Obama equated the disasters of 9-11 and the Gulf oil spill. In fact, Obama said the oil spill is likely to shape future environmental and energy policy, similar to how U.S. foreign policy was shaped by the 9-11 attacks. Read More

Beck's mutually beneficial partnership with FreedomWorks
Glenn Beck has accepted the corporate-backed right-wing organization FreedomWorks as a sponsor of his radio show and has urged his listeners to "link arms" with the group. FreedomWorks has responded by highlighting Beck's praise and using that praise to raise funds from Beck's listeners. Read More

Right-wing media disregards experts on national security threat of global warming
The right-wing media have mocked Sen. Barbara Boxer's comments about the threat of global warming to national security. However, national security experts -- including those in the Bush administration -- have highlighted the "significant geopolitical consequences" of climate change.
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Beck distorts Obama's comments to accuse him of "racism"
Glenn Beck misrepresented comments President Obama made during a 1995 interview to claim Obama did not want to meet with BP CEO Tony Hayward because he is a "white CEO" and that those comments were "code language" that "sounds like racism," "stereotyping," and "profiling." However, as Obama's full comments make clear, he was actually discussing personal responsibility on the part of both blacks and whites. Read More

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