Thursday, June 24, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 06-24-10

Big Gov. invents Obama's secret "agenda" -- but it's also his public agenda
A Big Government post accused President Obama of having a secret agenda he would never discuss during an "address from the Oval Office," citing video circulated to supporters as evidence of what Obama says "when it's 'just us.' " In fact, the language Big Government cited mirrors Obama's June 15 Oval Office address. Read More

Drudge hypes discredited attack on Kagan's admiration for a judge that Scalia, Fried also praised
The Drudge Report is hyping a discredited attack that Elena Kagan's past praise of former Israeli Supreme Court Justice Aharon Barak is evidence that she is outside of the mainstream. In fact, conservative Justice Antonin Scalia and former Reagan administration Solicitor General Charles Fried also praised Barak. Read More

Rove propagates public misconception about job losses
In his Wall Street Journal column, Karl Rove forwarded the falsehood that President Obama's economic policies have not slowed job losses, citing it as one of his "failures." In fact, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data show several months of positive job growth, and independent analysts predicted unemployment rates would have been higher without the stimulus. Read More

Fox News is BP oil spill misinformation clearinghouse
Media Matters for America has compiled a list of myths and falsehoods about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, all of which have been pushed by Fox News. Read More

Memo to right-wing media: Petraeus has spoken favorably on Afghanistan's rules of engagement
Following the resignation of Gen. Stanley McChrystal as the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, the right-wing media have falsely suggested that Gen. David Petraeus, who will replace McChrystal, does not support the rules of engagement being used in conducting the war. In fact, Petraeus has repeatedly expressed his support both for the rules, and for the principal of prioritizing protection of civilian lives. Read More

Conservative media falsely accuse Obama of "excoriating" Petraeus
Conservative media figures have distorted comments President Obama made during Senate hearings in 2007 to accuse him of "chastising" and "excoriating" Gen. David Petraeus, who he recently tapped as the top commander in Afghanistan. In fact, during the hearing, Obama specifically said his criticism was directed at former President Bush, not Petraeus. Read More

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