Thursday, June 03, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 06-03-10

Hannity falsely claims Romanoff "is admitting he was offered a job" to exit Senate race
Sean Hannity falsely claimed that Andrew Romanoff, who is running against incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet in Colorado's U.S. Senate election, "is confirming just now tonight he was offered a position" if he would exit the race. In fact, Romanoff reportedly stated: "At no time was I promised a job, nor did I request [White House deputy chief of staff Jim] Messina's assistance in obtaining one." Read More

Right-wing media respond to Romanoff with falsehoods, including false allegations of a crime
Right-wing media have falsely claimed that the White House offered Andrew Romanoff a job in exchange for dropping out of Colorado's U.S. Senate election, and have falsely alleged or suggested that the White House committed a crime in doing so. In fact, both Romanoff and the White House have said no formal job offer was made, and legal experts have repudiated the claim that this practice would constitute a crime.
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Media missing half the story on public attitudes about immigration policy
While addressing both Arizona's controversial new immigration law and national immigration reform, media outlets have reported that polls found widespread support for Arizona's law. But these reports ignored recent national polls finding that large majorities also support providing a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants in the United States. Read More

Fox attacks Obama for anti-terror rhetoric that Bush admin recommended
Fox & Friends criticized the Obama administration's "new national security strategy" because it will "no longer make references to radical Islamic extremism or jihad." However, this policy is not new; indeed, Bush administration officials discouraged the use of such terms, which they said "unintentionally legitimize" violent extremists. Read More

Myths and falsehoods about the Sestak and Romanoff controversies
Media Matters for America has compiled a list of the myths and falsehoods about the White House's conversations with Democratic Senate candidates Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff concerning those candidates taking positions in the administration. Read More

Quick Fact: O'Reilly falsely claims law was violated in Romanoff matter
On his Fox News show, O'Reilly repeated the false claim that 18 U.S.C. § 600 was violated in the Andrew Romanoff controversy. In fact, legal and ethical experts have repudiated the claim that a crime was committed. Read More

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