Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rep. Souder And Mistress Recorded Video Praising Abstinence


Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN) had an affair with a part-time staffer named Tracy Jackson, Fox is reporting. Jackson played the role of interviewer for a Souder Web video show on the issues of the day -- including one on the value of abstinence.

Dubbed "Congressional Update with Congressman Mark Souder," the show hit on issues like intelligent design and fencing the border.

[TPM SLIDESHOW: Conservative Sex Scandals]

In the November 2009 abstinence video, Jackson introduces Souder this way: "You've been a longtime advocate for abstinence education and in 2006 you had your staff conduct a report entitled 'Abstinence and its Critics' which discredits many claims purveyed by those who oppose abstinence education."


Souder announced today he is resigning effective Friday. According to Legistorm, Jackson first came on Souder's payroll in late 2004 with the title "Special Assistant/Communications."

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