Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Poll: Ten percent of Americans believe environmentalists intentionally caused oil spill


Ten percent of Americans believe environmentalists intentionally sabotaged the oil rig Deepwater Horizon off the Gulf Coast according to a poll released Tuesday, apparently as part of a ploy to reduce Americans' support for offshore drilling.

The surprising finding was contained in a poll released Tuesday by Public Policy Polling. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh floated the idea on his nationally syndicated talk show.

Polling director Tom Jensen downplayed the finding in a blog post, arguing that the figure was insignificant. He noted, however, that if "undecideds" were included, the number of Americans who are unsure about or believe the environmental sabotage theory rises to more than thirty percent.

"Just 9% of voters say they think environmentalists caused the spill while 22% are unsure and 69% don't believe they had anything to do with it," Jensen writes. "Even among GOP voters only 13% are buying into the 'the environmentalists' did it frame of mind."..............

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