Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 05-12-10

Fox pushes bogus claim that Kagan is avoiding "traditional interviews" with the press
Fox & Friends criticized the White House for releasing an online video featuring Elena Kagan "in her own words," claiming that the interview should have been conducted "with a journalist" and that the White House is using the Internet "to avoid traditional interviews." In doing so, Fox completely obscured the fact that it is reportedly "standard practice" for a Supreme Court nominee to deny interviews to journalists before the confirmation hearings. Read More

Dick Morris' analysis of airline industry never gets off the runway
Dick Morris stated that "one of the reasons discount airlines are doing well and the big ones are losing money is because of those union contracts." In fact, largely unionized Southwest Airlines carried the most passengers last year of any U.S. airline and turned a profit for its 37th consecutive year.
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Conservative media attack Kagan's New York background
Conservative media figures have attacked Elena Kagan for having grown up in New York City, arguing that her New York origins indicate she "has no clue how real Americans live." Read More

Fox's La Jeunesse fabricates Phoenix police "sanctuary city" policy
Fox News' William La Jeunesse falsely claimed that Phoenix police "were literally banned from asking a suspect his immigration status" before Arizona passed the new immigration law. In fact, the policy of the Phoenix police department prior to passage of that law was that "[a]ll arrested persons will be questioned as to their immigration status." Read More

Right seizes on false claim that Kagan's thesis shows she's a socialist
Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck have falsely suggested Elena Kagan's college thesis shows she is a socialist or radical. In fact, Kagan's thesis did not express support for socialism or radicalism, and regardless, conservatives -- including Hannity -- previously said that nominees' political views are irrelevant to the confirmation process. Read More

Fox falsely suggests Kagan wants government to "disappear" certain speech
Fox Nation falsely suggested that Solicitor General and Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan argued that speech promoting "racial or gender inequality" could be "disappeared" by the government. In fact, in the article Fox Nation cited, Kagan actually stated that "the uncoerced disappearance of such speech would be cause for great elation"; she did not advocate for a government ban on all such speech. Read More

Right-wing media baselessly claim CBO estimate erases health care deficit reduction
Right-wing media have claimed that health care reform will "cost $115 billion more than we thought," thus "wip[ing] out" promised deficit reductions. In fact, that money would only be spent if Congress separately appropriates it, just as Congress would have to do for any other spending bill. And even then, that spending would only adversely impact the deficit if Congress decided not to offset it with corresponding spending cuts or revenue increases. Read More

Legal experts contradict Limbaugh's claim that Kagan "doesn't like" First Amendment
Conservatives -- including Rush Limbaugh -- have falsely claimed that Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan opposes free speech. In fact, legal experts such as libertarian First Amendment scholar Eugene Volokh have stated that Kagan's views on free speech are within the mainstream. Read More

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