Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary -- 05-11-10

NRO, Fox Nation distort Daily Princetonian article to suggest Kagan supports socialism
National Review Online and the Fox Nation distorted a Daily Princetonian article in order to suggest Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's senior thesis shows that she supports socialism. Both NRO and the Fox Nation excerpted from the article but edited out statements from Kagan's thesis adviser disputing those claims.
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Right-wing media refuse to admit that Kagan didn't "kick military recruiters" off campus
Right-wing media figures have stubbornly latched on to the falsehood that Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan "banned military recruiters" from campus while she was dean of Harvard Law School. In fact, Harvard law students had access to military recruiters throughout Kagan's tenure as dean. Read More

Whelan pushes false comparison to paint Kagan as anti-military
Ed Whelan claimed that Elena Kagan excluded military recruiters "from the Harvard law school campus" and "treated military recruiters worse than she treated the high-powered law firms" that represented terror suspects. But this comparison is flawed because Kagan's military recruiting policy was guided by the school's decades-old anti-discrimination policy; moreover, students had access to military recruiters throughout Kagan's tenure as dean. Read More

Whelan distorts Kagan's SG record to claim that she is an ideologue
Ed Whelan baselessly claimed that, as Solicitor General, Elena Kagan has "indulged her own ideological views ... on gay rights" rather than defend federal law. In fact, neither of the cases Whelan cites support his claims that Kagan did not vigorously defend federal laws in court -- as the Solicitor General is required to do. Read More

Right-wing media target Kagan's physical appearance
Right-wing media figures have responded to Elena Kagan's nomination to be the fourth female Supreme Court justice in history by attacking her physical appearance.
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On Fox, Bossie falsely suggests Kagan supports book banning
On Fox News, Citizens United president David Bossie falsely suggested that Solicitor General Elena Kagan argued in a Supreme Court case that "books could be banned." In fact, Kagan specifically stated that federal campaign finance law had never banned books and likely could not do so. Read More

REPORT: Kagan's legal experience comparable to Rehnquist, Thomas, Roberts
Right-wing media have claimed that Solicitor General Elena Kagan has insufficient experience to be a Supreme Court justice. In fact, Kagan's legal experience is comparable to that of several recent conservative justices at the time of their nominations: William Rehnquist, Clarence Thomas, and John Roberts. Read More

EXCLUSIVE: Harvard Law military recruitment not diminished by Kagan's tenure
Right-wing media figures have perpetuated the falsehood that Elena Kagan banned military recruiters from Harvard Law School during her tenure as dean. Not only did students have access to military recruiters throughout Kagan's tenure, Media Matters for America has learned that military recruitment did not drop as a result of Kagan's actions.
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