Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Fox refuses climate ad


Fox News last week refused to carry an advertisement from the liberal group VoteVets on the grounds that it was "too confusing," a spokesman for the group said.

The ad, above, seeks to make the familiar case that climate legislation would have national security benefits by reducing the oil profits of hostile Middle Eastern states.

"Every day Congress doesn't pass a clean energy climate plan our enemies get stronger," says the ad, which focuses on Iran and presses Congress to pass a bill to "cut oil profits for hostlile nations."

A Fox sales executive, Mike Mandelker, told the group's ad buyer that the spot was too confusing, VoteVets spokesman Eric Schmeltzer said.

The ad is airing without objection on CNN and MSNBC.

Neither Mandelker nor Fox News spokeswoman Dana Klinghoffer responded to email inquiries about the decision.

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