Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 04-26-10

Quick Fact: Welch overstates U.S. corporate tax burden
In a New York Post op-ed, Reason editor-in-chief Matt Welch wrote that "America's corporate income tax rate ... is the globe's second-highest." However, the effective corporate tax rate, which accounts for tax benefits received by corporations, is lower in the United States than in several other nations. Read More

Hyperinflation for sale: Newsmax and Dick Morris cash in on anti-Obama rhetoric
Since President Obama's inauguration, right-wing website Newsmax has repeatedly used inflammatory anti-Obama rhetoric and stoked readers' fears of hyperinflation and economic collapse to drive sales of the financial-services products it offers, including newsletters and investment programs. Fox News analyst Dick Morris and Steve Forbes have played key roles in promoting Newsmax's financial products and economic rhetoric.
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Wall Street Journal misleads on cost control under health care reform
A Wall Street Journal editorial claimed that a recent Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) report rebuts the Obama administration's argument that health care reform will lower health care costs. However, as Third Way has noted, the CMS report indicates that health care reform would actually result in lower health care spending per insured person over the next decade, and according to Ezra Klein, the trend outlined by CMS suggests that overall health spending will be lower after 2019. Read More

Attention media: Graham wanted Obama to "step it up" on immigration reform
Fox News' Dana Perino and Byron York of The Washington Examiner channeled Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-SC) criticism of Democrats for reportedly planning to pursue immigration reform legislation before a climate change bill. But last month, Graham himself reportedly called for President Obama to "step it up" on immigration reform efforts.
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Mediaite falsely claims Blagojevich motion shows Rahm Emanuel "directly implicate[d]" in case
Mediaite's Frances Martel falsely claimed that a motion filed by former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich "directly implicate[s]" White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in Blagojevich's alleged attempt to sell the open Senate seat vacated by President Obama in 2008. In fact, the document confirms Emanuel's previous account of contacts with Blagojevich's chief of staff and in no way suggests Emanuel was involved with Blagojevich's alleged scheme.
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Right-wing media distort Blagojevich motion, falsely claim it contradicts Obama's statements
Conservative media have falsely claimed that a motion filed by disgraced former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich indicating that Blagojevich and President Obama spoke on December 1, 2008, contradicts Obama's statements about his contacts with Blagojevich. Media have also falsely claimed that the motion states that Obama and Blagojevich discussed who Blagojevich would appoint to fill Obama's Senate seat.
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Fox's Crowley invents Obama statements to claim "conflict" with Blagojevich motion
Monica Crowley falsely suggested that a motion filed by former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich contradicted what she claimed were Obama's statements that "none of his representatives" were involved with efforts to fill the Senate seat Obama vacated. But Obama never made such a statement; he acknowledged contacts between his staff and Blagojevich's office while stating that his staff "had no involvement" in Blagojevich's alleged efforts to sell the Senate seat. Read More

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