Friday, April 09, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 04-09-10

Forty-year-low tax burden not stopping Fox from hyping "Tax Freedom Day"
Fox & Friends falsely suggested that the Tax Foundation's "Tax Freedom Day" reflects the tax burden paid by the average American and that "Tax Freedom Day" now comes later than in recent years. Fox & Friends also falsely claimed that "47 percent of Americans don't pay any taxes." Read More

Do conservative media figures want to raise taxes on middle- and low-income Americans?
In advance of the April 15 tax deadline, the conservative media have complained that, according to a Tax Policy Center report, 47 percent of households pay no federal income taxes. These complaints come despite the fact that the vast majority of these households pay other taxes. Read More

Fox & Friends baselessly claimed Muslim scholar Ramadan has "ties to terrorists"
Fox & Friends again baselessly suggested that Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan was "banned from entering the United States" because of "ties to terrorists." However, Ramadan -- who was never charged with any crime -- denied knowing that a charity to which he donated was alleged to have ties to Hamas, and media reports noted that he was "denied admittance" during the Bush administration "after making statements counter to U.S. foreign policy." Read More

Fox News now acknowledges that Sotomayor isn't a radical justice
On April 9, Fox News' Chris Wallace responded to news of Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens' plans to retire by commenting that a nominee to replace him who was "like Sonia Sotomayor" would be "a little bit more to the mainstream." Following President Obama's nomination of Sotomayor, however, numerous Fox News figures painted her as "an ideologue," a "racist," and a judicial activist. Read More

Attention media: Conservatives have long embraced "empathy"
Conservative media are once again claiming that President Obama's past comments about the importance of finding a Supreme Court nominee who demonstrates "empathy" mean that he will appoint someone who will not follow the law. In fact, conservative justices cited the importance of personal experience during their own confirmation hearings and conservatives have repeatedly expressed support for empathy in judicial nominees. Read More

Myths and falsehoods surrounding Supreme Court vacancies
With the retirement of Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, Media Matters revisits some common myths and falsehoods pushed by right-wing media in their effort to undermine the confirmation process and attack anyone President Obama nominates to replace Stevens. Read More

After denouncing "Buy America" provisions, Moore attacks stimulus for sending money overseas
Stephen Moore criticized the stimulus act for allowing California to use federal stimulus funds to pay the Chinese government to help develop the state's high-speed rail line. But Moore previously stated opposition to provisions that would require federal funds to be spent in the U.S., and during the stimulus debate, the Wall Street Journal editorial board, of which Moore is a member, denounced including such provisions in the legislation.
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Perino falsely suggested Cadillac tax "carve-out" only applied to union members
Dana Perino falsely suggested that health care reform allowed unions a "carve-out" so that their high-cost "Cadillac" healthcare plans would not be taxed, but those of "the rest of us" would be taxed. In fact, changes made to the Senate health care reform bill delays the application and increases the thresholds of an excise tax for all high-cost plans -- not just union plans -- until 2018. Read More

Hannity falsely claimed "50 percent of American households no longer pay taxes"
Fox News' Sean Hannity falsely claimed that "50 percent of American households no longer pay taxes." In fact, while 47 percent of American households pay no federal income taxes, according to the Tax Policy Center, the "vast majority" of these households reportedly pay other taxes. Read More

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