Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A Couple of Right-wing loon Teabagger stories ....


The most dangerous Islamist in the world is neither Afghani nor Arab.

He comes from neither Sudan nor Somalia.

And he resides in neither the mountains of Pakistan nor the deserts of the Palestinian territories.

This individual has toppled the secular government of Turkey and established madrassahs throughout the world.

His schools indoctrinate children in the tenets of radical Islam and prepare adolescents for the Islamization of the world.

More than 90 of these madrassahs have been established as charter schools throughout the United States. They are funded by American taxpayers.

One of these charter schools – - Tarek ibn Zayed Academy (TiZA) in Minnesota – - is so radically Islamic and subversive in nature that the Minnesota Department of Education issued two citations against it and the American Civil Liberties Union is suing it.

Dozens of his universities, including the Faith University in Istanbul, train young men to become lawyers, accountants, and political leaders so that they can take an active part in the restoration of the Ottoman Empire and the Islamization of the Western World.

He also allegedly operates compounds to train jihadis in the tactics of guerilla warfare.

This individual has amasssed a fortune – - over $30 billion – - for the creation of a universal caliphate........................................

Obama Attempting To Force The Discovery Channel To Drop Palin’s Show

..........We all know that Obama is scared of Sarah Palin and curls up under his desk in the fetal position at the mere mention of her name. It’s well documented that the second John McCain announced Governor Palin as his running mate, Obama dispatched his top people to Alaska to set up a smear campaign to end all smear campaigns.

It started with “Troopergate” or as Sarah calls it: “Tasergate” and culminated in the formation of the Alaska Mafia ©, a group of hate bloggers and their operatives, that were given complete access to Obama’s media partners, the so-called “mainstream media,” to publish attack pieces, filled with out and out lies, at will.

These operatives also filed dozens of bogus “ethics complaints” in an attempt to taint Governor Palin’s stellar record as a real reformer, bankrupt her, and cause the Alaskan people pain. Obama’s Alaska Mafia © accomplished the latter, his team cost the Alaskan taxpayers over two million dollars, as the state was forced to investigate each and every nonsensical claim.

Governor Palin outsmarted Obama and his band of hired thugs though, when she resigned. By resigning, Obama and his thugs were no longer able to terrorize the Alaskan people. They were also no longer able to bankrupt Sarah personally.

That didn’t stop Obama’s thugs from their work though. They continually attack her with The White House calling the plays. While Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod surely play their part, White House adviser, and Alaskan, Pete Rouse plays a large role as well. It was Rouse who arranged the “Troopergate” dog and pony show and arranged for Barack Obama to do a little pay-for-play with his buddy, Alaska State Senator Kim Elton, who now has a make work job with the Obama regime. Reward for his part in the “Troopergate” witch hunt.

Chicago thuggery at it’s finest.

As absolutely off the charts vile as all of that is, one can still say politics is a nasty business, and this is how the Marxist-democrat party plays it. It is what it is. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!

Well, as we all know, not only does Sarah run with the big dogs, she’s the leader of the pack All of Obama’s and his thug’s attempts to stop her have not only failed, they have made her stronger, more popular, and more determined.

With that said, what is going on now is unprecedented in American history. Not even FDR or Richard Nixon, two really vindictive bastards, would have went this far.

Never in our history has the President of the United States attacked a private citizen in the manner Barack Obama has continually attacked Sarah Palin. This latest abuse of power is off the charts.

Here’s a copy of an e-mail sent to me by an operative..................

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