Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Media Matters Daily Summary 03-09-10

Fox's Garrett distorted CBO findings on long-term savings under Senate health bill
On the March 8 edition of Fox News' Special Report, chief White House correspondent Major Garrett falsely claimed that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) had not found projected savings under the Senate health bill to be "meaningful" in its second decade. In fact, CBO estimated that the bill would reduce the deficit in its second decade. Read More

Hannity falsely claimed Rep. Levin has "Tax Troubles"
Fox News' Sean Hannity displayed a graphic reading "More Tax Troubles" while discussing a Roll Call article about Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) receiving a Maryland property tax credit for which he was not eligible. In fact, Levin reportedly said he received the credit because of an error on the part of Maryland's Montgomery County and paid it back, as he reportedly did when the same error was made in 2006. Read More

In newest column, Wash. Post's Thiessen defends witch hunt against DOJ lawyers
Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen defended the witch hunt against Justice Department attorneys who previously represented terror suspects and other detainees, falsely suggesting that criticism of the witch hunt has come only from progressives, when, in fact, conservatives have also condemned the attacks.
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The Pentagon shooter, insurrectionism, and right-wing bloggers
When news broke last Thursday that a deranged gunman had opened fire outside a Pentagon security checkpoint, wounding two officers before being stopped by return fire (the gunman later died from his wounds), the reaction from some oddly giddy right-wing bloggers was swift. They wanted everyone to pay attention to the story. Why? Because bloggers claimed the gunman, John Patrick Bedell, was a loony liberal. Read More

WND falsely claims TSA nominee's views on diversity are "controversial"
In an attack on Gen. Robert Harding, President Obama's nominee to head the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), WorldNetDaily falsely claimed that Harding's views on the necessity for diversity hiring in the intelligence community are "controversial." In fact, numerous officials -- including President Bush -- and intelligence experts agree with Harding that diversity hiring in the intelligence community is vital to national security. Read More

Fox misinforms on health care reform's immediate benefits and deficit reductions
On Fox & Friends, co-host Gretchen Carlson falsely suggested health care reform legislation contained no immediate benefits, and Fox Business Network host Stuart Varney claimed that "nobody believes" that health care reform will reduce the deficit. In fact, numerous benefits found in the Senate's bill and President Obama's proposal would begin immediately, and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has found that both the Senate and the House's legislation will reduce deficits. Read More

Horner promotes discredited green jobs study, pushes conspiracy theory involving CAP, DOE
In a Washington Times' op-ed, Chris Horner revived a discredited study to conclude that green jobs initiatives in Spain were "economic and employment disasters." Horner also accused the Center of American Progress, the American Wind Energy Association, and the Department of Energy of coordinating "to produce an attack that would serve all their interests," ignoring news reports and the Spanish government itself that are also critical of the study. Read More

After trumpeting ethics allegations against Massa, conservative media embrace his accusations against Dem leaders
After highlighting reports last week that the House ethics committee was investigating whether former Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) had sexually harassed a member of his staff, conservative media pivoted to promote Massa's subsequent claim that the Democratic leadership had orchestrated the investigation in order to force him out of office because he opposes health care reform legislation. Read More

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